Image: Isolation and the Falling Stars by 802

Hello and welcome to the the first week of the Flexible Learning course. We are starting off with two choices of workshop - onsite and face-to-face or online on February 11th.

You can chose one or the other, but if you want to find out what all this online business is about, I am very happy for you to come to both sessions.
Workshops and tutorials during the course will alternate between onsite and online options within each topic, usually on different days and time (apart from the presentations which will be recorded) so if you can't get to one, do try and attend the other option.

Onsite: 10:30-12:30 in G107. Online: 19:00-20:30 (NZT) via web conferencing.

We will use Elluminate for the realtime meetings to get together online. This is a great techology for using a web cam if you have one along with a microphone. I will probably crash if I try and use my web cam but I am going to give it a go. Rural broadband is a bit shaky and I haven't even got the electric fence up yet.

The course wiki has a new face this year and I am developing it in the form of a guidebook. I hope you find it intuitive to get where you need to go. The structure follows the weekly schedule in the Course Outline you have been sent, and this is also located on the Home page of the wiki - in case the dog eats the other copy or you leave it in the filing tray at work.

First things first - please take a good look at the Course wiki, and make sure you can find your way around. Apologies in advance for some of the blank pages further on - this is going to be an ongoing development during the course - interior decorating takes a wee while to get right. The announcements on this course blog can be accessed via the course wiki. The course blog address if you wish to bookmark it is:

This is the week for introductions and finding out who will be sharing the next 17 weeks of your life with you. My advice is to set aside a regular time for the study and exploration you will need to do in this course if you are to complete on time - approximately 5 to 6 hours per week. To get the most out of the subject and to have some fun, try and get to as many class sessions as you can and take the opportunity to have your say on the online Discussion Forum.

Everyone will have tales to tell about flexible learning - after all we have all come through the education system - and the best way to learn more about this subject is to hear others' ideas and have your assumptions challenged.

And last of all but most importantly, do make sure you have accepted my invitation to join the online Google group called: Flexible Learning Class Discussion - this is what we will use for our online Discussion Forum. If you have not received one, please get on my case and I will sort it for you. I am really looking forward to finding out about your ideas for flexible learning.


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