This week the topic starts off with a presentation on Thursday with Kate Timms-Dean. There is a short profile below.

The Scheduled Workshops

Date: Thursday April 22 2010 - Indigenous learners - Kate Timms-Dean.

  • Onsite: 10:30-12:00 in H513 (H block).

Date: Thursday April 29 2010 - Indigenous learners - Kate Timms-Dean.

  • Online: 19:00 - 20:30 via web conferencing - not mentioned on schedule.
Material will be added to the wikieducator page this week.

Introducing Kate

Kate's profile: Kate works as a senior lecturer in the Treaty Education and Training Unit at Otago Polytechnic. Kate was born and bred in Dunedin and completed two undergraduate degrees in Māori Studies in the late 1990s. She is currently working towards completing her doctoral thesis which explores language revitalisation tactics being used to regenerate the Māori language in Aotearoa New Zealand and Scottish Gaelic in Scotland. She is married with six children and step children, and loves to spend her spare time playing pool and working in her vege patch.


  1. Bronwyn hegarty said...

    thanks naveed. Have you seen the Flexible Learning Guidebook on WikiEducator? This has lots more information.

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